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Jade Bandwidth Controller
JBC Quick Start Guide

Defaults for Jade Networks products,
IP :, Password : jade
Connect a monitor and a keyboard to the device and boot device in "Reset to defaults" mode and follow the instructions on screen.

Installation process
place JBC device between Router and switch like so.
install jbc

Note : Change the default password as soon as possible.

Minimal requirement for all Jade's software. Windows 2k and up.
Install JBC.exe on your windows computer, follow on screen installation instructions.

Connect to your JBC device with JBC.exe

Changing the IP address via JBC.exe
Connect the your device, click menu/Tools/Config
Change IP.

Change admin password
click menu/Tools/Change Password
Change IP

Note: If your choke does not work. Swap destination/source and/or Dnload/Upload. If using port, watch that too. 90% of errors are related to this.
Think of it as if you are sitting in between the two ports of JBC device controlling incoming and outgoing packets.

Create single IP/Host choke.
click button Host
Most options of this window are self explanatory. As you can see.

Bandwidth Type.

Isolated - Any configurations inserted with 'isolated' will not lend out bandwidth to others asking for bandwidth.
sharing - This configuration is giving permission to others asking for more bandwidth if it is not using it all.
bounded - Configured as bounded, it will not try to borrow bandwidth from other hosts and/or subnets.
borrow - You give permission to borrow bandwidth from other hosts having the sharing option.

Create IP/Subnet choke.
click button Subnet
Add subnet
Same as host configuration, just adding a mask to it.

Create Group choke.
click button "Gr host"
Name - It's just a tag, enter a description of your choice.
After, and only after you created a group, you will be able to add hosts to it. All hosts in a group will share its group bandwidth.
ie: if configured at 10mbs, 2 hosts are added, both are downloading, they will have 5mbs each. 1 stops downloading, the other gets full 10mbs.
create group
The remaining configurations are the same as for Hosts.

Very simple, follow instructions on screen.
Sms capable.


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